Μάιος 24, 2023
"MULTIVERSE" We focus on a sustainable way to physically inhabit our planet. We crave for the basic principles of coexistence, struggling to protect individuality. We enter the unknown world of Artificial Intelligence. We explore digital worlds made by humans for humans. ESO’s 2022 theme, “CROSSING TERRITORIES” in collaboration with the EU Mies Awards, recognized the uncertainty of social, cultural, political and economic transformations, without preconceptions. This year’s theme, “MULTIVERSE”, further bridges theories on change with their early practice and results. “MULTIVERSE” signifies a range of diverse environments, responding to human needs and moving beyond them, including other forms of physical and artificial life. “MULTIVERSE” suggests multiple coexisting environments. To merge the international knowledge with the local experience, to outline current issues and to prompt further dialogue, Myrto Kiourti, Georges Batzios, Yiorgos Tsolakis, George Mitroulias (AREA), Yoshiharu Tsukamoto & Momoyo Kaijima (ATELIER BOW WOW), Aires Mateus, Arthur Mamou Mani, Kristian Villadsen (GEHL) Iasson Tsakonas (OLIAROS), Elias Messinas (ECOWEEK) will take up the stage of Alexandra Trianti Hall at Megaron Athens Concert Hall, on Wednesday, 24th of May. Topics will introduce various inclusivity concepts explorations, critical environmental issues, new viewpoints about the ever-growing cities and the ever - changing countryside. During this year’s ESO, the fifth “Archisearch Lifetime Achievement Awards” ceremony will highlight the work and personality of Kyriakos Kyriakidis, Dimitris Antonakakis and Dimitris Philippidis and Artist Rena Papaspirou. GET YOUR TICKET HERE
Μάιος 24, 2023
"MULTIVERSE" We focus on a sustainable way to physically inhabit our planet. We crave for the basic principles of coexistence, struggling to protect individuality. We enter the unknown world of Artificial Intelligence. We explore digital worlds made by humans for humans. ESO’s 2022 theme, “CROSSING TERRITORIES” in collaboration with the EU Mies Awards, recognized the uncertainty of social, cultural, political and economic transformations, without preconceptions. This year’s theme, “MULTIVERSE”, further bridges theories on change with their early practice and results. “MULTIVERSE” signifies a range of diverse environments, responding to human needs and moving beyond them, including other forms of physical and artificial life. “MULTIVERSE” suggests multiple coexisting environments. To merge the international knowledge with the local experience, to outline current issues and to prompt further dialogue, Myrto Kiourti, Georges Batzios, Yiorgos Tsolakis, George Mitroulias (AREA), Yoshiharu Tsukamoto & Momoyo Kaijima (ATELIER BOW WOW), Aires Mateus, Arthur Mamou Mani, Kristian Villadsen (GEHL) Iasson Tsakonas (OLIAROS), Elias Messinas (ECOWEEK) will take up the stage of Alexandra Trianti Hall at Megaron Athens Concert Hall, on Wednesday, 24th of May. Topics will introduce various inclusivity concepts explorations, critical environmental issues, new viewpoints about the ever-growing cities and the ever - changing countryside. During this year’s ESO, the fifth “Archisearch Lifetime Achievement Awards” ceremony will highlight the work and personality of Kyriakos Kyriakidis, Dimitris Antonakakis and Dimitris Philippidis and Artist Rena Papaspirou. GET YOUR TICKET HERE
Ιούνιος 15, 2022
CROSSING TERRITORIES This event is in collaboration & co curation by the Mies Van Der Rohe Foundation. It is also a co production of the Design Ambassador & +Design Magazine with the Onassis Foundation. Crossing is the place of in-between, of uncertainty, of non-evidence, of what is strange or different. Crossing, positions us at the limits of citizenship, of what we understand by humanity and architecture can take all this and transform it into strength, setting a first map of a society with new ways of doing. Crossing Territories will take place on 15 June at STEGI - ONASSIS CULTURAL CENTRE as the catalyst of the experiences that we have been living in the last years that aim towards uncertain social, cultural, political and economic transformations: from imposed to actual tremblor in front of uncertainty without preconceptions. Crossing Territories will benefit from the experience of Fundació Mies van der Rohe and the EU Mies Award with its always open and welcoming community of people who make it possible. Cultural activists and critics and artists and architects, who all find themselves in this crossing point.
Φεβρουάριος 4, 2020
4:00 μμ | ΠΡΟΣΕΛΕΥΣΗ |
4:30 μμ | ΕΝΑΡΞΗ |
5:10 μμ | Maria Papafigou - OOAK ARCHITECTS |
5:30 μμ | Panos Parthenios - Parthenios Architects |
5:50 μμ | Martha Tsigkari - Partner of the ARD group at Foster + Partners |
Marios Tsiliakos - Associate Partner at the ARD Group of Foster + Partners | |
6:30 μμ | Artemios Lainas |
Konstantinos Dekavallas - Archisearch Lifetime Achievement Award | |
Ioannis Vikelas - Archisearch Lifetime Achievement Award | |
Theodossis Tassios - Archisearch Lifetime Achievement Award | |
7:00 μμ | ΔΙΑΛΕΙΜΜΑ |
7:35 μμ | Nikolas Barelier |
7:45 μμ | Aristides Dallas |
8:05 μμ | Alexis Vikelas - VIKELAS ARCHITECTS |
8:45 μμ | Vaggelis Stylianidis - 3sk architects |
9:05 μμ | Roberto Palomba - Palomba Serafini Associati |
9:30 μμ | ΛΗΞΗ |
ΕΣΩ 2020
Φεβρουάριος 4, 2019
4:30 μμ | Προσέλευση |
5:00 μμ | Poka-Yio |
5:15 μμ | Κώστας Πουλόπουλος - SQ-1 |
5:35 μμ | Θάνος Ζακόπουλος - CTRLZAK |
5:50 μμ | Γιάννης Καρλόπουλος |
6:00 μμ | Νατάσσα Λιανού & Ερμής Χαλβατζής - LC Architects |
6:15 μμ | Iasson Tsakonas - OLIAROS |
6:35 μμ | Γιάννης Τσεκλένης |
7:00 μμ | Coffee beak |
7:30 μμ | Χρήστος Αλεφαντής - Σχεδία Art Project |
7:40 μμ | Σωτήρης Ανυφαντής - A2 Architects |
7:55 μμ | Hλίας Παπαγεωργίου - PILA |
8:15 μμ | Ermis Adamantidis - Not a Number Architects |
8:30 μμ | Τοm Lindblom - Gensler Architects |
8:50 μμ | Λήξη Συνεδρίου / post event drinks-cocktails |
Την ημερίδα παρουσιάζει ο εικαστικός και ιδρυτής της Athens Biennale, Poka Yio.
Μάρτιος 1, 2018
5:00 μμ | Προσέλευση |
5:30 μμ | Έναρξη Συνεδρίου |
5:50 μμ | Νίκος Βατόπουλος |
6:15 μμ | Λαέρτης Αντώνιος Ando Βασιλείου |
6:40 μμ | Παύλος Χατζηαγγελίδης, Ελευθερία Φατσέα, Θεοδώρα Παπαδοπούλου - 314 Architecture Studio |
7:05 μμ | Νίκος Κτενάς - Nikos Ktenàs architecture |
7:30 μμ | Coffee Break |
8:00 μμ | Συζήτηση Athens is Back. Με τη Στρατηγική Συνεργασία της Prodexpo και της SGT Tsomokos. - Συντονιστής: Νίκος Ρουσάνογλου, Καθημερινή |
Olga Itsiou - Techical Director Dimand | |
Natalia Strafti - Chief Operating Officer, Grivalia Properties | |
Eleni Spartsi - Architect, Schema 4 Architects | |
Haris Siganos - Executive Director, Zeus International | |
9:10 μμ | Luke Pearson & Tom Lloyd - PearsonLloyd Studio |
9:40 μμ | Λήξη Συνεδρίου / post event drinks-cocktails |
Την ημερίδα παρουσιάζει η Αρχιτέκτονας Μάγδα Σγουρίδη.
Μάρτιος 8, 2017
5:30 μμ | Mrs. Giroldini Simona / Tecno Spa |
6:00 μμ | Δημήτρης Ποτηρόπουλος / Potiropoulos Architects |
6:25 μμ | Γιάννης & Μάρκος Δουρίδας / R.C.TECH Architects |
6:50 μμ | Joost Frijda / Gfra Architects |
7:15 μμ | Ρία Βογιατζή / Elastic Architects |
7:40 μμ | Coffee break |
8:00 μμ | Τάσος Γεωργαντζής / Urban Soul Project |
8:25 μμ | Δημήτρης Παπάζογλου |
8:50 μμ | Ελένη Μπρασινίκα / BLLEND Architects |
9:20 μμ | Ζέττα Κοτσιώνη-Δημήτρης Κολώνης / ZAHA HADID Architects |
Την ημερίδα παρουσιάζουν: ο Σταύρος Μαρτίνος (Αρχιτέκτων, Αρχισυντάκτης ARCHISEARCH.gr / Διευθυντής του Σχολείου Αρχιτεκτονικης για παιδιά και Νέους ARKKI.gr) και η Αρχιτέκτονας Μάγδα Σγουρίδη
Φεβρουάριος 17, 2016
6:00 μμ | Block 722 Architects |
6:25 μμ | Διονύσης Σoτοβίκης | Workshop-S |
6:50 μμ | Μαργαρίτα Βεντουράκη | Betaplan |
7:15 μμ | Kirios Criton |
7:40 μμ | Coffee break |
8:00 μμ | Στέλιος Κόης | Κois Associated Architects |
8:15 μμ | Κοσμάς & Φάνης Απατάγγελος | Kommigraphics |
8:35 μμ | Κατερίνα Κοτζιά | Κ&Κ Αrchitects |
9:00 μμ | Κυριάκος Χατζηπαρασκευάς | Heatherwick Studio |
Φεβρουάριος 18, 2015
6:00 μμ | Γιώργης Γερόλυμπος |
6:20 μμ | Ρένα Σακελλαρίδου | Sparch Architects |
6:40 μμ | Κωνσταντίνος Λαμπρινόπουλος | Klab Architects |
7:00 μμ | Δημήτρης Κολιαδήμας |
7:20 μμ | Μαριάνθη Τατάρη UN STUDIO |
7:40 μμ | Coffee Break |
8:00 μμ | Πρόδρομος Νικηφορίδης | Νικηφορίδης - Cuomo |
8:20 μμ | Σταύρος Παπαγιάννης & Γιώργος Κυριαζής | Stage Design Office |
8:40 μμ | Carlotta de Bevilacqua |
Φεβρουάριος 15, 2013
6:00 μμ | Divercity Architects - Σχεδιάζοντας ένα Ξενοδοχείο |
6:25 μμ | Α&Μ Group - Eμπορικές δραστηριότητες στα σύγχρονα Αεροδρόμια |
6:50 μμ | G Design Studio / Eπικοινωνία |
7:10 μμ | Κοκκίνου - Κούρκουλας - Έργα μεγάλης κλίμακας / Μουσεία |
7:35 μμ | Coffee Break |
7:55 μμ | TDC Architects - Αλγόριθμοι & Εργαλεία |
8:20 μμ | Deca Architects - Κατοικίες |
8:45 μμ | Henning Larsen Architects - Τρίτοι Χώροι |
Συντονιστής ο Μέμος Φιλιππίδης | Αρχιτέκτων, partner mplusm